24 February 2014

8 week update

17 Feb results (Last week)

Bust - 105
Under Bust - 91
Waist - 108
Hips - 107
Thigh - 53.5

This week - 24 Feb

Bust - 103 (-2)
Under Bust - 90 (-1)
Waist - 107 (-1)
Hips - 107 (same)
Thigh - 53.5 (same) 

So cm's lost in 1 week - 4cm 

Weight was 83kg.

So the Cm's are still gradually coming down, but the weight is not making any significant difference. Not sure what I can do differently to change it up a bit and get this weight shifting. Very frustrating. 

23 February 2014

My first months pics

I know it's not easy to tell in these pictures, but it's just a good comparison to me, there's probably subtle changes to be seen. I hope the next 4 weeks show a lot more noticeable differences. Have to keep plugging away. 

17 February 2014

Feb update

So it's now the 17th of February and I've been at this for a few weeks now. The scales are noticeably rising, or my scales are total crap!! But today my weight was 83.6kg! Which is very very annoying, but i'm glad I did start tracking my measurements the last few weeks were as follows:

27th Jan

Bust - 106
Under bust - 95
Waist - 108
Hips - 108
Thigh - 56

3rd Feb

Bust - 106
Under bust - 93
Waist - 108
Hips - 109
Thigh - 55

10 Feb

Bust - 105
Under bust - 91.5
Waist - 108
Hips - 107
Thigh - 55

17 Feb

Bust - 105
Under Bust - 91
Waist - 108
Hips - 107
Thigh - 53.5

So in a month I've lost

Bust - Lost 1cm
Under Bust - Lost 4cm
Waist - Same
Hips - 1cm
Thigh - 2.5

TOTAL CM's Lost - 8.5cm (for the last 4 weeks.

Total Cm's lost from week 1 Except I forgot to count under bust from the start) - 

Week 1 - Bust - 106, Waist - 111, Hips - 109, Thigh - 56
Week 7 - Bust 105, Waist - 108, Hips - 107, Thigh - 53.5 + (Under bust total loss 4cm)
TOTAL CM's lost - 12.5cm

So I have lost cm's not necessarily weight, but i'm attributing that to adding muscle. People have noticed that I've lost weight which is nice. Just wish the scale would be following suit!

27 January 2014

Weight loss so far 2012 - 2014

So it's taken a while, but there is noticeable differences from when I first started to now. It's definitely
getting serious now and seeing some progress is definitely helpful to keep me motivated that I can once and for good lose this weight and keep it off.

Current stats are: 

Weight - 83.2kgs

Measurements Progress

Week 1 -

Bust - 106

Waist - 111

Hips - 109

Thigh - 56

Week 4 - 

Bust - 106

Waist - 108

Under Bust - 95

Hips - 108

Thigh - 56

Have really enjoyed getting back into exercise, I know that i'm firming/toning and losing fat and gaining muscle because the scales aren't moving much but my clothes are feeling less restrictive and my fitness has definitely improved which is great. I did a work at home DVD and I finally smashed nearly 500 Calories doing that, which is awesome!

Have really been enjoying doing Aqua aerobics and pump class too which is fun. I'm hoping that I can continue so that I reach my goals, might be difficult if I get into uni this year, but i'm hopeful that I'm going to finish what I started.

09 January 2014

New year again, and another new start!

So I've been at this weight loss game since I had my 3rd son Mitchell in Oct 2011, I started in 2012 and didn't get very far. Then in 2013 I started up again, and got a little way and then came unstuck again. We all got whooping cough and I got it the worst, so it wrote me off for 6 months and any progress was well and truly out the window. I am however grateful that I didn't put on much weight, it pretty much stayed the same with no exercise or watching my eating. So I'm starting it all over again. My weight at the start of Jan was 84kg, the second week I was 82.8kg, so I've lost 1.2kg so far this year. In total I lost 8.4kgs since starting this journey in 2011. It's a long process and one i'm well and truly done with starting and not finishing! So this is the year I finally reach my goals. 68kg or thereabouts, i'm coming for you!!
Here is an updated pic that I'll start off with to keep track.
So far this week I've been to the gym twice, and been to an adrenoswim class, tomorrow I'm aiming to get back into pump class and then a yoga or body balance session on Saturday to finish my first week. I'm logging with my fitness pal to keep on track, i've also bought myself an active diary for a 12 week challenge, to set myself goals and commit to exercise. I've also splurged and bought myself a new Polar Fitness Heart rate monitor, I can't wait to get it so that I can track my calories burned while I'm exercising to give me extra motivation. I'm also using the Lose baby weight smoothies and getting recipe Ideas from there. I have about 17kgs to go, but i'd be happy to be under 75kg and then reasses, so, so far it's a good start, just have to keep the momentum going! :)

25 June 2013

Inspiration needed!

Ok so to give myself an idea of what I used to look like, I want to use it as motivation to be the same size, or close as, before I had kids. The lightest I weighed was about 68kg. Was a size 12 and though I wasn't particularly happy with my body shape, looking back, that would be unreal to look like that again. So here goes, some old piccies of me :)

I'm going to try and get side by side comparison's of then and now. And then get some progress shots happening.

Ok will try and put a side by side pic in:

31 May 2013

Hitting the gym!

So this past month has been uber hectic with birthday parties and various events and kids being sick which means not a lot of time to stick to my regular gym routine or eating plan. Thankfully things are settled down now and i'm making a concerted effort to haul my ass to the gym and get moving. So far this week i've done Pilates on Monday, a quick walk on the tready on Tuesday, Pump class on Friday, and tomorrow i'm going to attempt pump, then back it up straight after with yoga. So i'm looking forward to that. Then on Sunday I intend on going to an adrenoswim class as i haven't been since the start of the month, and it was so much fun!

The main problem areas i need to work on are my bingo wings and my mummy tummy, both of which are the hardest areas to lose weight from apparantly! Super frustrating.

Will weigh in again on Monday, and have to try and get some progress pics. Will probably wait till i reach a milestone before getting pics. My sister told me today she weighs 71kg (we're twins) and she's only about 6kgs away from her pre-preg weight which is unreal. I'd love to be her starting weight!! 71kgs would be heaven right about now, but i know i just gotta keep plugging away and i'll get there!